Welcome to Mindmaven's Relationship Marketing Crash Course!

Learn to consistently generate game-changing referrals and breakthrough opportunities from your network by ... 

  • Demystifying the process behind referrals, allowing you to positively influence the likelihood of breakthrough opportunities.
  • Identify those in your network who are going to make you most successful, then learn how to activate and leverage those relationships.
  • Overcoming the challenge of urgency vs importance to better focus on the things that move the needle most for your business.

The Relationship Marketing Crash Course is designed to transform your business and life by teaching you how to:

  • Stay top-of-mind with your network by consistently delivering high-value experiences.
  • Turn your goals into reality by clearly defining your objectives and conditioning your network to send you relevant, valuable opportunities.
  • Increase your leverage with an easy-to-follow strategy that ensures you’re investing your time and resources into the right people.
  • Create a simple and effective system to track and manage the most important relationships in your network.

As soon as you register, you’ll have access to our Online Learning Platform packed with high-quality video and text content, pragmatic exercises, and valuable downloads. Let’s take a quick look at what you can expect from this program:

Module #1: The Operator Secret to Relationship Marketing

In this chapter, we’ll introduce you to a powerful identity: The Operator. You’ll learn why “working hard and never giving up,” while important, isn’t necessarily the best path to success. More importantly: You’ll learn the approach that’ll fasttrack your journey to reaching your fullest potential. 

Module #2: Unlocking Referrals & Understanding Mindshare

In this chapter, we’re going to answer two simple-but-important questions: What are opportunities, and where do they come from?

Because once you understand the process that drives opportunities (and it is a process), you can influence it to dramatically increase the likelihood of encountering the types of referrals you need to reach your fullest potential.

Module #3: One Habit to Unlock the Power of Your Network

In this chapter, you’ll be introduced to a single, simple habit that has the power to revolutionize how you interact with your network. It’s one of the most powerful habits I know and, with it, the decay of mindshare will be a problem of the past.

Module #4: Identifying the Right People

If you’ve been in business for any number of years, you’ve probably built a pretty large network. So the question is … Who do you reach out to? After all, not all relationships are created equal; and if you’re going to invest time and energy into your network, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting the highest ROI.

In this section, we’re going to talk about how to identify the most valuable relationships in your network, and how to ensure you’re staying top-of-mind with these people.

Module #5: Overcoming Urgency and Prioritizing Importance

Just knowing who to reach out to isn’t enough. If you were to look at all the high-quality people in your network, you’d probably find yourself saying, “That’s great and all, but there’s no way I can manage all these relationships. I don’t have the time!” 

In this chapter, we’re going to tackle one of the most universal challenges in business and relationships: Time management. So often, our day-to-day lives are driven by urgency to the point that we don’t have time to focus on the things that matter most.

With the tactics and resources in this section, that problem will be a thing of the past. 

Module #6: Mastering the Five Freebies

Okay, so you know who to reach out to. You know how to make the time to reach out. The next logical question is … “What do I say?”

Reaching out to someone you don’t already have a strong relationship with can seem overwhelming, and that’s the problem we’re going to tackle in this section. I’m going to introduce you to five easy-to-use emails you can send to practically anyone in your network and just about any time (with a high likelihood of getting a response).

Ready to Unlock the Power of Your Network? Click the Button Below to Sign Up Now!

What Our Students & Clients Say 

We increased our inbound opportunities from last year by over 100% in a down economy by just changing how we manage our relationships. It didn’t take too much to see some substantial results.”
- Ali Behnam, Riviera Partners (Coaching Client)

“Honestly, working with Mindmaven on our [relationship management] strategy was the best business investment I have ever made. Not only did it have significant influence on our short-term revenue, but [it] helped us build a foundation for growth.”
- Michael Morell, Riviera Partners (Coaching Client)

“Since learning Mindmaven’s relationship management concepts, I’ve significantly increased the number of meaningful interactions with my business network. I use Mindmaven’s concepts every single day. Mindmaven has helped me become more proactive, disciplined and consistent in the way I interact with my most important relationships.
- Karthi Sepulohniam, Director of Partners for Growth, Australia (Coaching Client)

“Just wanted to say thank you and well done to a great online coaching program. Being one of your students has so far been a great pleasure. I am loving the way you guys lay out your materials [and the content has been] simple to understand and entertaining to go through. The Thinkific platform you guys are using is user friendly and easy to navigate.”
- Morgan M. , Founder (Online Course Student)

“I haven’t had a chance to say how great the course was so far: The content is very valuable and [the coach] promoted it with a lot of talent.”
- Francois C., CTO & Managing Partner (Online Course Student)

For me, who does a lot of networking, I found the content invaluable. I was always looking for a way to leverage my network better and get more out of it and I think that this course has definitely helped me to do that. I also found that the tools used to conduct the courses to be great and they worked flawlessly. I would highly recommend the course for anyone who is involved in a complex or professional service sale.”
- Jörg L. , Senior Business Development Manager (Online Course Student)

Ready to Unlock the Power of Your Network? Click the Button Below to Sign Up Now!

About the instructor

Mindmaven Founder & CEO

Patrick Ewers

Ready to Unlock the Power of Your Network? Click the Button Below to Sign Up Now!